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Sage at TAPIA 2024

Yongho Kim
Yongho Kim

Sponsored by Sage NDC-C, we presented the Sage edge computing platform and self-supervised learning at the edge in the TAPIA conference (See the presentation slides). During the workshop, we met many academic professors, computer scientists, and students who were passionate about engaging with us and sharing their research challenges. We look forward to future collaborations with them!

Interested in running the Jupyter notebooks we demonstrated in the presentation? Check them out here:

tapia presenters

Sage Field Experience in Hawai'i

Anagha Tiwari
Anagha Tiwari

Sponsored by NAISE, the primary goal for the SAGE visit in Hawai’i was centered around experiential learning. Engaging directly with the local communities and university scientists on the island, we learned about traditional aquaculture farming practices, successfully deployed a Wild Sage Node in Pāhoa for climate research, surveyed future deployment areas needed to fulfill data needs in Lahaina, and more. This immersive field experience combined scientific exploration with community, highlighting the critical importance of conducting science that drives actionable impact and social change.

Deployment Success at Hawaii

· 4 min read
Anagha Tiwari
Anagha Tiwari

Hello! I’m Anagha - a Computer Science & Statistics major at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. This past summer, I had the unique opportunity to work as a research intern for the Sage team to create a rideshare vehicle detection algorithm and app.

This past month, I traveled to Hilo, Hawai'i with the Sage team to install the latest node W097 near Volcanoes National Park. This was a truly unique experience and taught me the value of collaboration among scientists and communities to reach goals.

The Waikalua Loko Fish Pond

· 4 min read
Alex Arnold
Alex Arnold
Undergraduate student, Northwestern University

team photo Hi there! My name is Alex Arnold and I'm currently a senior at Northwestern University studying computer and cogntitive science. I worked with the team over the summer as an intern and also had the chance to help with a node deployment in Volcanos National Park in Hawai'i.

Joann Hawaii Blog Post

Joann Lenart
Joann Lenart

My name is Joann Lenart and I am a current senior at Northwestern University. As a social scientist-- majoring in Political Science and Legal Studies while also conducting research regarding environmental justice within Indigenous groups-- I joined a research trip to Hawaii that was primarily focused on building sensors and using codes and AI to track everything from birds sounds to heat sensing. It seems out of my wheel-house but it was also an eye-opening experience to see how we can bridge the social sciences with computer science.

Hawaii for Scientists

Pete Beckman

The Sage project combines advanced cyberinfrastructure, artificial intelligence (AI), and sensors to create intelligent, autonomous, new instruments to help us explore and understand climate change, natural hazards, urban landscapes, and the biosphere. The Sage team has deployed more than 100 nodes across the United States – but this installation was special…. Sponsored by NAISE, our goal was more than simply connecting an NVIDIA Jetson GPU, infrared camera, and anemometer to build a Wild Sage Node and create a secure infrastructure for scientific discovery – we were also intent on experiential learning -- from carrying scientific equipment (watch video) through the dense forest of Volcanos National Park to learning about the restoration of a 400 year old native pond. Together with a team of students from Northwestern University, University of Chicago, and University of Illinois, we set out to learn and contribute – Science! Hawaii is beautiful, but Science is our goal. Enjoy the reports that will show up here.

The Team

Summer Interns Develop Next Generation Edge Applications for Sage

Anagha Tiwari
Anagha Tiwari

The summer 2023 intern projects were filled with exciting and impactful science that truly pushed the boundaries of edge computing. This standout work includes using AI for: snow detection on the Bad River, utilizing image super-resolution, estimating solar irradiance, automating rideshare vehicle detection, lightning detection with software defined radio, smoke & wildfire detection, and building an API for Waggle infrastructure. The interns came together from a wide variety of STEM backgrounds, experiences, and universities to bring new insights into the novel applications they developed. Each intern left with a deeper understanding of various fundamental concepts of Sage - software-defined sensor networks, edge computing, and machine learning.

Tower installation with Sage nodes in Emiquon Preserve

In collaboration with The Nature Conservancy, two Sage nodes were deployed at the Emiquon Preserve to monitor wildlife and understand conditions of the local environment. The Sage nodes W020 and W01B are equipped with both stationary and pan-tilt-zoom-able cameras and meteorological sensors including dust and weather sensors. The Sage node W01B is the first field-deployed node powered by renewable energy from eight solar panels.